Roboscientific was Tesco Agri-Tech Innovation TJam winner in 2019 and continues to work with the supermarket giant and its supply chain developing its early disease detection technology to help reduce waste, improve quaity and and monitor the health of livestock.
Entrepreneur and Electronics Designer, Stan Curtis and VOC specialist, Dr. Tim Gibson completed a Management Buy-Out of RoboScientific Limited in 2015. Since then, research has continued apace, reflecting the owners' backgrounds in scientific research and leading edge product development and production.
Based on the work they have completed using the Roboscientific 307B VOC analyser; the goal has been to produce a non-invasive real-time early disease detection system which can be applied to farm environments.
RoboScientific has received significant grant funding from Innovate UK, and is now at the point of commercialisation with a range of products designed to provide early alerts to farmers of disease in their stored and growing crops, as well as living livestock to :
This system is now in the final stages of development and about to undergo final stage trials before the first products are launched commercially in the second half of 2020.
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